A Guide to Mage in Ironman
To start out as a mage in Ironman, it is recommended to use mods such as Cowlections, Not Enough Updates, Skytils, Patcher, and Skyblock Addons. These are all free, but if you are willing to spend $5, you can get Skyblock Extras, Not Enough Updates, Skyblock Addons, and Cowlection.
First, grind the entrance and F1 with a party finder and some friends to get some armor pieces. For F1, use a Dreadlord sword, dark goggles, and some rotten or heavy armor. It is recommended to use a healer for this stage and always keep 3m for a Bonzo staff.
Once you reach cata 8, buy a stone chestplate from the NPC for added defense. Then, focus on getting decent heavy armor (80%-90% using Cowlections mod) and star some of your pieces.
Mage F2 build:
- Dreadlord sword
- Dark goggles (2-3 starred)
- Stone chestplate (2-3 starred)
- Heavy leggings (2-3 starred)
- Boots (1-2 starred)
For F2, the main focus is on having decent gear, specifically a 2-3 starred stone chestplate and heavy leggings, and a 2-3 starred dark goggles. Use a Dreadlord sword as your weapon of choice. It is important to put wise on all pieces and grind F2 for cata exp. Get as many ultimate wise books as you can and save for a Bonzo staff. Once your pieces are 3 starred, go back to F1 to try and get a Bonzo staff.
Mage F3 build:
- Bonzo staff (3-4 starred)
- Bonzo mask (3-4 starred)
- Stone chestplate (3-4 starred)
- Heavy leggings (3-4 starred)
- Heavy boots (3-4 starred)
- Voodoo doll
For F3, the main focus is on having a 3-4 starred Bonzo staff and mask, and a 3-4 starred stone chestplate, heavy leggings, and heavy boots. Use a voodoo doll as a secondary weapon. Try to get Zombies Soldier armor, play with friends, and go for adaptive armor. You will run out of mana frequently, so run more F2s for ultimate wise 5 and get sheep minions for a chance at a leg sheep pet.
Mage F4 build:
- Legendary sheep lv 50+
- Bonzo staff (3-4 starred)
- Adaptive armor (3-4 starred)
- Bonzo mask (3-4 starred)
For F4, the main focus is on having a 3-4 starred bonzo staff, adaptive armor, and bonzo mask. Use a Legendary sheep lv 50+ for added damage. It is important to have a perfect armor for later floors, so diamond minions are recommended. You will need around 10m for F4 and you may need to reforge all your talsmans to bizarre for intel. It is important to use the cheese strategy for F4 and grind it for boss drops.
F5 mage build:
- Spirit scepter (3 spirit wings)
- Spirit boots (4-5 starred)
- Shadow goggles
- Perfect armor (diamond minions)
- Legendary sheep lv 50+
F6 mage build:
- Spirit scepter (5 starred)
- Spirit boots (5 starred)
- Shadow goggles (5 starred)
- Perfect armor (diamond minions, full set)
- Legendary sheep lv 50+ (5 starred)
- Cata 15+
For F6, the main focus is on having perfect armor and a 5 starred spirit scepter and spirit boots. Use a Legendary sheep lv 50+ (5 starred) for added damage and make sure your shadow goggles are also 5 starred. It is important to have cata 15+ before attempting F6.
F7 mage build:
- Spirit scepter (5 starred)
- Spirit boots (5 starred)
- Shadow goggles (5 starred)
- Perfect armor (diamond minions, full set)
- Legendary sheep lv 50+ (5 starred)
- Cata 15+
- Necromancer brooches (5 starred)
For F7, the build remains similar to F6 with perfect armor and a 5 starred spirit scepter and spirit boots. However, it is important to also have 5 starred necromancer brooches for added damage and survivability. Use a Legendary sheep lv 50+ (5 starred) and make sure your shadow goggles are also 5 starred. It is important to have cata 15+ before attempting F7.
In conclusion, mage is a powerful class in Ironman and can be a lot easier to play with the right gear and mod setup.