Guild & Player Leaderboards
Check out the top guilds and players with our easy to use leaderboards, with over 40,000 players and counting. Click on any guild or player and deep dive into their metrics graphs over time, such as their skyblock level, weight, networth, and much more. Want your guild to be added? All you have to do is use /leaderboard add-guild in our discord bot!
View LeaderboardsBazaar & Auction Tracker
Looking to view and track specific items on the bazaar or auction house? Well now you can! View individual items to view the buy and sell prices over the last 30 days.
Bazaar Tracker Auction TrackerSkyKings Discord Bot
Looking for a discord bot that can do everything you need skyblock related? Here's the one! Manage your discord server with automatic verification, role additions, events, and so much more! On top of that, we have all most popular commands like /networth, /weight, and over 50+ commands!
Discord BotGuides
Learn the best and fastest ways to do certain tasks in Skyblock, such as learning how to do slayer bosses, maxing skills, making money, and much more. These guides were created by our own staff team, and reviewed and edited by multiple people before releasing, to ensure the best quality guides!